  • 我的观影记录

茉莉花 -正片


 《Jasmine flower》 introduce

In 1927, the Northern Expedition approached victory. At this moment, national capitalist Lin Tongzhen and Gu Shaotang, who run the"Qing Gang," are beginning a larger round of competition. Lin Tongzhen's son, Lin Weixian, is passionate about music and only wants to explore Jiangnan folk songs and promote them to the world. Lin Weixian reunited with Hu Yi, a childhood friend and military officer from his family, and introduced him to Gong Sunlei, a young man from Shandong who kindly rescued him from Shanghai at the dock. From then on, the three young people became close friends. By chance, Lin Weixian and Gong Sunlei fell in love with Gu Shaotang's beloved daughter, Gu Jiahui, but Jiahui only quietly developed feelings for Lin Weixian. The popular Yueju actress Qingyu is Lin Tongzhen's best friend. Lin Tongzhen and Gu Shaotang were fiercely stuck in the mall. The cunning Gu Shaotang bribed Qingyu with a large sum of money to learn about Lin Tongzhen's overall plan, which ultimately completely defeated Lin Tongzhen in the stock market. Lin Tongzhen committed suicide in anger. At this time, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were divided, and Hu Yi, who ultimately chose the Kuomintang camp, was forced to arrest Lin Weixian, who was falsely accused of colluding with the Communist Party. Gongsun Lei, in order to make a name for himself, reported Lin Weixian's escape route to Gu Shaotang. Jiahui threatened to die, and Gu Shaotang and Gong Sunlei were forced to let Lin Weixian have a way out. The old butler Yue Le took Lin Weixian back to his hometown of Jiangnan Town. Lin Weixian fell into despair and was forced to become an apprentice at the famous"Hongji" rice shop in the town. After experiencing the harshness of the world, Lin Weixian finally became indifferent and ruthless. Coincidentally, at this moment, Hu Yi, who was already an officer, led his troops through. Taking advantage of Hu Yi's fundraising efforts, Lin Weixian finally successfully took over the"Hongji" rice shop and embarked on the path of revitalizing the Lin family's business. Hu Yi suppressed the Communist Party and was heavily injured by the ambushed Red Army, resulting in leg injuries. Ten years later, Lin Weixian, who had already accumulated economic strength, returned to Shanghai. At this time, Gu Shaotang had become the uncrowned king of the Shanghai business community and the"Qing Gang". Gong Sunlei was already Gu Shaotang's trusted assistant. Hu Yi was ordered by Chongqing to sneak back to Shanghai and engage in a famous spy war with the Wang puppet spy organization"No. 76" at that time. Qingyu switched to Gu Shaotang's embrace, but secretly had an affair with Gong Sunlei. At this time, Gu Shaotang took advantage of the chaotic situation of the"spy war" and secretly instructed Gong Sunlei to eliminate Haridan and dominate the business world. At this moment, Lin Weixian was taking the opportunity to approach Gong Sunlei's sister and popular star Gong Sunlingwan. Gongsun Lei discovered that Lin Weixian had returned to Shanghai and encouraged his sister, who had no clear background, to continue dating Lin Weixian. Yue Le's daughter Xian Xuan saw that Lin Weixian and Ling Wan were in a good relationship, feeling dejected. Hu Yi evaded the pursuit of Gong Sunlei and unexpectedly reunited with Xian Xun. Hu Yi's deep love for Xian Xun remained, and Xian Xun finally felt warm in his heart. Gu Shaotang relied on his confidant Hei San to discover that it was actually Gong Sunlei who betrayed him, and ordered Jiahui to terminate her engagement with Gong Sunlei. But after all, there were bigger enemies, and Gu Shaotang was forced to first unite with Gong Sunlei to deal with Lin Weixian who came to seek revenge. Gongsun Lei finally caught Hu Yi and quietly let him go in order to fulfill his personal ambitions. Gongsun Lei and Lin Weixian finally reunited. The two openly expressed their willingness to work together, one bright and one dark, to completely defeat Gu Shaotang in the mall. Sure enough, Gu Shaotang was forced to commit suicide. Qingyu was rejected by Gong Sunlei and became resentful due to love. She reported Gong Sunlei to the Japanese side. Gongsun Lei killed people and silenced them, and forced Jiahui to marry as promised. Afterwards, Gong Sunlei devoted his energy to dealing with Lin Weixian. Lin Weixian continues to expand his industry to defend the banner of"national commerce". A thrilling business war broke out between Gong Sunlei and Lin Weixian. Finally, Gongsun Lei used various forces to push Lin Weixian to the brink of despair. Lin Weixian and his dream of industry turned into a tiller. Gongsun Lei dominated the Shanghai Bund, and with great ambition, he married Jiahui. On the night of her wedding, with the wind and rain raging, Jiahui finally struck Gongsun Lei with an axe and rushed into the vast rain. Also at the 16 Pu, a rich boy who looked like Lin Weixian got off the boat and rescued a poor boy who looked like Gongsun Lei. A new round of life story began again in Shanghai. By the Suzhou River, the sunset is about to fall. Hu Yi and Xian Xun left on a small wooden boat, intending to hold hands with the ends of the earth. The two of them scattered the folk song scores previously compiled by Lin Weixian into the river with nostalgia. The score drifted with the water, and the faint and smoky song"Jasmine Flower" once again sounded desolate. In the song, the small wooden boat drifted further and further away

 《茉莉花》 繁體簡介

1927年,北伐接近勝利。 此時,民族資本家林桐箴與操持“青幫”的顧紹棠正開始一個更大的回合較量。 林桐箴的兒子林唯賢酷愛音樂,一心只想發掘江南民謠並推向世界。 林唯賢與幼時好友、軍官家庭的胡奕重逢,並將在碼頭善意救助來滬闖蕩的山東青年公孫雷介紹認識,從此三個年少青年成為莫逆之交。 一個偶然的機會使林唯賢和公孫雷同時愛上了顧紹棠的愛女顧佳慧,可是佳慧只悄悄地對林唯賢萌生愛意。 當紅的越劇名伶晴宇是林桐箴的相好。 林桐箴與顧紹棠在商場激烈地膠著著,老謀深算的顧紹棠重金收買晴宇,從而得知林桐箴的全盤計畫,最終在股市上徹底擊垮林桐箴。 林桐箴憤而自殺。 此時國共分裂,最終選擇國民黨陣營的胡奕被迫抓捕被誣告“通共”的林唯賢。 公孫雷為出人頭地,向顧紹棠告發了林唯賢的出逃路線。 佳慧以死威脅,顧紹棠、公孫雷被迫放林唯賢一條生路。 老管家嶽樂帶林唯賢回到老家江南小鎮。 林唯賢一蹶不振,走投無路的他被迫進到鎮上有名的“鴻計”米店當學徒。 嘗盡世態炎涼,林唯賢終於變得冷漠無情。 恰巧此時,已是軍官的胡奕率兵經過。 林唯賢借胡奕籌集餉糧之機,終於成功地將“鴻計”米店收為己有,踏上重振林家家業之路。 胡奕剿共,遭伏擊的紅軍重創,被打殘腿。 10年後,已經積聚經濟實力的林唯賢回滬。 此時顧紹棠已成上海商界和“青幫”的無冕之王,公孫雷已是顧紹棠的得力助手,胡奕奉重慶之令潜回上海,跟汪偽特工組織“76號”展開了一番當時滬上聞名的特工戰。 晴宇轉投顧紹棠的懷抱,但私下與公孫雷偷情。 此時顧紹棠借“特工大戰”的混亂局面,暗使公孫雷除掉哈裏登,以獨霸商界。 這時林唯賢正借機會接近公孫雷的妹妹、當紅明星公孫令婉。 公孫雷發現林唯賢回滬,慫恿不明底細的妹妹令婉繼續同林唯賢交往。 嶽樂的女兒纖紜見林唯賢與令婉相好,黯然神傷。 胡奕逃避公孫雷的追捕,不期與纖紜重逢,胡奕對纖紜深愛依然,纖紜終於心下溫暖。 顧紹棠依靠心腹黑三查出出賣自己的竟是公孫雷,令佳慧解除與公孫雷的婚約。 但畢竟還有更大的敵人,顧紹棠被迫先聯合公孫雷以對付前來復仇的林唯賢。 公孫雷終於抓住胡奕,為了實現個人的野心,又將他悄然放走。 公孫雷與林唯賢終於重逢。 兩人坦言願意聯手,一明一暗,在商場徹底擊敗顧紹棠。 果然,顧紹棠被迫自殺。 晴宇被公孫雷拒絕而因愛生恨,向日方告發公孫雷。 公孫雷殺人滅口,並強迫佳慧如約完婚。 此後公孫雷將精力投向對付林唯賢。 林唯賢為捍衛“民族商業”的大旗,繼續擴大實業。 公孫雷和林唯賢之間展開一輪驚心動魄的商戰。 最後,公孫雷動用各方勢力將林唯賢逼至絕境。 林唯賢和他的實業之夢化為蘖磐。 公孫雷得以獨霸上海灘,躊躇滿志的他與佳慧完婚。 新婚之夜,風雨大作,佳慧終於斧劈公孫雷,然後沖入茫茫雨中。 又是在十六鋪碼頭,一個酷似當年林唯賢的富家少年下船,意外救助一比特酷似當年公孫雷的貧寒少年,新一輪的人生故事再度在上海灘展開。 蘇州河邊,夕陽欲墜。 胡奕和纖紜乘小木船離開,欲牽手天涯。 二人感懷地將先前林唯賢整理的民歌樂譜一一散落河中。 樂譜隨水飄零,那首似淡似烟的《茉莉花》歌聲再度蒼涼響起。 歌聲中,小木船越飄越遠了……


公元 2006年,由  贾立强 等老师负责剧本编写, 沈涛导演负责制作, 李宗翰,李念,陈道明,陶红,王菁华 等明星实力参演的 国产剧《茉莉花》, 此影片于2006-01-01上映, 更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮在线观看!影视狗祝您观影愉快!

影视狗影视于 2021-12-04 20:44:43整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-12 06:16:27再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《茉莉花》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:茉莉花茉莉花在线观看茉莉花免费观看茉莉花百度云茉莉花下载 等。



  • 1、请问电影《茉莉花》什么时候上映?

    网飞TV 影迷: 电影《茉莉花》于2006年在中国上映 ,具体的上映日期为2006-01-01。

  • 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《茉莉花》?

    奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《茉莉花》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看茉莉花免费网址:https://www.yingshi.dog/voddetail/167092.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】

  • 3、请问《茉莉花》什么类型的电影?

    时代TV 网友:《茉莉花》是2006年中国制作的剧情,爱情类电影。

  • 4、请问谁有《茉莉花》高清无删减版资源

    美团电影 网友:影视狗提供《茉莉花》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站高清无广告!截止到2024-04-12 06:16:27,影视狗提供的《茉莉花》已经更新到 已完结 画质。

  • 5、电影《茉莉花》演员都有哪些?

    哈哈影视 网友:茉莉花有以下主演:李宗翰,李念,陈道明,陶红,王菁华

  • 6、电影《茉莉花》评价怎么样?


  • 7、电影《茉莉花》Neflix影评

    Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《茉莉花》还不错的, 沈涛导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 李宗翰,李念,陈道明,陶红,王菁华等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。



